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The Milk Bath will immediately transform your dog's temperament and the environment around them into one of tranquility and calmness. Once the powdered Milk Bath is poured into warm water, the soak turns into an effervescent milky delights as tiny bubbles gently massage and soothe your dog's coat. Stress will melt away! Two Unique Applications: Traditional Bath Soak or Brush In Spray.
- - Two Unique Applications - Traditional Bath or Brush In Spray - Dissolve the Powdered Milk Bath into a Bath Tub or Spray Bottle for Desired Application
- - Premium & Simple Ingredients - 100% Natural Whole Milk Powder and Honey add to the naturally soothing and conditioning experience
- - Noticeable Results - The dog's coat with look shinier and smoother with their skin feeling nourished and hydrated for days to come
- - Subtle & Long Lasting Honey Scent
- - At Warren London, every pet deserves a spa day! Treat your pet to this premium spa bath!