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MidWest Homes for Pets wants to help you minimize the stress of having a new puppy while maximizing your enjoyment with your new best friend! The iCrate Starter Kit includes 1 Single Door iCrate, 1 crate-sized dog bed, 1 privacy crate cover & 2 appropriately-sized pet bowls. We designed this dog kit to ensure your puppy has a smooth transition into their new forever home. With proper use of the dog crate your puppy will learn how to be housetrained quickly and with fewer accidents (See the "How to Crate Train" pamphlet included with purchase).
- - Includes 1 Single Door iCrate, 1 Fleece Bolster Bed, 1 Crate Cover & 2 Stainless Steel Food/Water Bowls + "How to Crate Train" Flyer
- - Safe and secure slide bolt latch
- - Folding Crate with carry handle makes for easy movement, setup or storage with no tools required
- - Divider panel lets you adjust the living area as your pet grows
- - Composite pan makes cleaning up accidents easy